"Humans invented philosophy, arts, science... They imposed values, morals and ethics on themselves. Gradually, they also invented religion, trade, politics but also discrimination, hatred and torture. They developed consumerism, destruction of land and seas, exploitation of other species including their own... Every minute it gives birth to 250 babies and produces 4 tons of waste. Every day it produces 240k cars and destroys 400 living species. Every year, it kills nearly 9 million children under the age of 5 and destroys 13 million hectares of forests. Mankind seems to favor belief over knowledge, having over being and the image of happiness over happiness itself... But will it reach the age of adulthood, before it burns down its house? This question is anything but insignificant." - Franck Courchamp & Clement Morin
The conforming ape doing what he's told (and sees red)
The raping dictator who inspired the old testament & Marvel
The rich king guarding his future kingdom
What does it mean to be part of 8 billion smart apes?
What does it mean to be an 3.7 billion year old Eukaryote?
What does it mean to become an The interstellar species?
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